France in the Americas

France in the Americas is a collaborative bilingual digital library (French – English) which is the fruit of the cooperation between the National Library of France and 18 French, Canadian, American, and British cultural institutions and universities. With a first phase dedicated to the French presence in North America between the 16th century and 1900, France in the Americas is part of the Shared Heritage collection.


Entrance of the St Laurent river and the city of Quebec in Canada, Jean-Baptiste Franquelin, 1670-1693 - BnF


This website is being produced in two stages. Phase 1, which is dedicated to North America, is already available online. It will soon be completed with the addition of a second section focusing on the West Indies and French Guiana between 1630 and 1945.

A contextualised collection

Phase 1 gives access to more than 2000 documents, which have been contextualised by sixty previously unpublished texts written by French, Canadian and American specialists. Articles and documents are distributed under 6 thematic accesses:

The origin of France in the Americas

The idea for this website originated from a previous joint initiative of the National Library of France and the Library of Congress called France in America / La France en Amérique.  The change of the singular “America” to the plural “Americas” is not simply intended to differentiate the websites; it also marks an extension of the geographical and chronological limits of the project, as well as the opening of the project to all institutions whose collections are of potential interest and to the contribution of many different researchers.
